Friday, January 2, 2015

Adding our last pics from 2014

 This year, we had quite a few little native birds fly into our back window and garage. They all just needed a little rest and water and were soon flying free once more. This is a silvereye (we think).

 Colt finally got excited about maths when he got to shapes! Woohoo!

 Colt's card cube.

 Karys then decided that anything Colt could do, she could do better. So here is her cube made from paper and decorated with shiny stars.

 This is Dart on our breakfast date. I almost made it through all of the kids this year, will have to make a better effort in 2015 because they are so much FUN!

 We went along to the free Bunnings Kids Christmas Party and had a ball! It was so well run and there was plenty for the kids to do and enjoy. Will have to get to more Bunnings functions in 2015!

 These plants are from our lifecycle study and are growing really well.

These are some Christmas activities that were lots of fun. Colt made these playdough ornaments and Dart made the Lego Workshop. Colt also painted the scene below. I will have to make sure we have plenty of glass painting equipment and supplies as this was lots of fun.

 Taffy decided to dress up as a Christmas ornament. Love it!

Taffy receiving her graduation gift at Sunday School.

Our Christmas Elf left a suggestion for the kids to play a game and they chose Charades. It was a lot of fun too!

 Making clove oranges to make the house smell Christmas-sy. Have to figure out how to stop the oranges from going mouldy after a few days though.

 I made the pieces for the gingerbread houses, had visions of a whole village, including a stable, high on a shelf. Due to illness and unhelpful kids, we are going to just eat the pieces.
Maybe next year, sigh.

 Another outing we had was a trip to the shops to see Santa and have a photo taken. Santa unfortunately, gave them more than the cute gingerbread teddies. Gastro is not much fun in a large family! However, we still had a lovely Christmas Day, it was just a little quieter than normal.
After visiting Santa, I decided to treat the kids to a milkshake and a doughnut. Yum! The lovely girl who served us kindly came  back to our table later with a loyalty card punched out with our drinks and told me I could have a free drink next time we ordered! God bless her!

 We started swimming lessons at Coogee Beach on the 29th Dec. The kids were not impressed at my choice of location, but they are enjoying it now and I love the lack of entry fee. Parking is somewhat of a problem on really hot days though. I just love the little coloured caps they wear, so cute! This is Colt.

 This is poor, cold Taffy. She is doing well in her lesson, but shivers the whole way through!

 This is Dart listening to his teacher.

Dart and Karys enjoying reading at the beach. I think they may take after me! :)

I found this quote on Facebook and thought that it was very apt. I shall have to print it and put it in a prominent place for all of us to be reminded that we can get through anything with this mindset.